Wednesday, May 02, 2007 ♣
Happy Labour Day.
i juz realise, i dunno wats labour day. other than it being a holiday. woo hoo.
someone enlighten me.
oh yea, n before i forget(happens frequently la)
i got 1 person name wrong Hazrin = Haris n yes, Hazmi is v. DIVA-like.
Kenneth got competition.
ha. i mention 3 people here. go find who they are.
went out wif the Mr FuzzyWuzzy n Gang again.
tis time it's sheesha! (which i didnt do much)
m not smoker! (actually, dun know how to really sheesha la. but muz act cool wat.) :p
did go there once wif Mr. Ice n frens.
wonder when will we hang outz again.
i love arab street. but the stuff found there has freaky prices!
n i found a love thr!
introducing .... JACK!

a pet cat @ 1 of the store.
dun he look like the cat from Shrek??
i love Pet Cats. heck i even love pet dogs!
y i put pet? cause i only like those that are fat and pampered animals.
human-friendly la.
and well me being me, juz discover another function of my lovely phone! :-)

m lovin it. ha.
more self cam-whoring.
so not healthy.
i probably should be headin to sleep soon.
yet i cant.
Mr Southpark, is driving me crazy.
i gotta move along.
oh yea. my bday is in exactly, 24 days from today.
m turnin old.
short of Love.
Walking Contradiction.
2:20 AM