Thursday, May 31, 2007 ♣
Fantasy NightDream.
tousled hairs. lovies. night breeze.finger food. sand & sea.
absolute love.
where's the line between being good, having fun and being wild?
What's ur definition?
Walking Contradiction.
3:36 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 ♣
m rotting in the office.
i can go crazy~~~~
i think i am.
know wad. m enticipating for 1 movie!
now dun laugh when i say it.
those who watch malay shows, may know tis movie.

super excited to watch it on suria on Vesak Day!
oh well... m curious la... y they call em Mat Rempits!
btw, i do hav a jiwang soul in me...
who would hav guessed.
will someone drive me around for once?
Walking Contradiction.
5:13 PM
i did it.
i have absolutely no contacts regarding you.
somehow, my mood feels lighter.
n fuck, my assignment is due on wed.
i realised i use fuck alot.
i type but i dun say.
same as i flirt but i dun date?
Walking Contradiction.
2:17 AM
i dun get it.
why are u still in my thoughts every single free min?
i've already classified ya as a jerk.
i know you are.
well, at least u are, when it comes to me.
damn it.
u're a drug.
addictive & absolutely hands-off.
i wanna know everything about u.
yet i dun wanna know anything bout u.
i really should take the hint.
but, fucking why, did u even sms me a happy bday.
u're suppose to have my number deleted away.
like i did to urs.
i deleted ur picture.
i deleted ur number.
i cant delete ur friendster.
i cant delete ur msn.
i truly cant get over ya.
when will dat come?
it's freaking driving me crazy.
and it's been like 3 wks? a mth?
since we the last?!
damn fuck. i hate ya for being in my system.
making me going all haywired and stupid.
i seriously hate Malay-speaking guys.
or more precise, mat rempits.
u guys aint good news.
never good news.
i'm so pissed rite now.
Walking Contradiction.
2:00 AM
Monday, May 28, 2007 ♣
m 20.
thanx to those who wishes me bday!
n if u didn't, u aint a friend of mine.
but, oh well.
m not that evil..
well, not really..
but maybe? :-p
since m bday, the living wasnt free to hang wif me,
i spent it wif the land of the dead. literally.
graveyard roaming was well.. dead.
den my car practically drifted while heading to the jetty.
9 of us. 1 girl being me.
2 cars. 1 bike.
another day passed and went.
n i did wat i've been wanting to do.
an eventful year.
Things to do before i leave S'pore:
1. Have a guy who loves me more.
2. Pierce my tongue. 27/05
3. Clubbing non-stop for 2 mths. 17/02 - 14/04
4. Drive 4 diff cars. 27/05 - 6th car?
5. Stop being miss pussover.(i mean pushover.) beginning of the year
6. Be independent of guys.
7. Be Being myself.
8. Do good in my studies.
9. Have fun with old & new friends.
tat's all i can think of.
Past wkend wif the Dance mates:
Pirates was love. And thanx guys for the time.

all look happy. except for Alex. Y u not smiling!?

i look damn tired la.

Bday Girls! Mine was on 26 n hers 25th!
no pics on graveyard outing cause i fear to take smthing else... :-P
n funk, ur frens were pretty cute.
dere, i said it.
Walking Contradiction.
3:55 PM
Friday, May 25, 2007 ♣
i'm good.
it's tat time of the year again!
less than 7 hrs to my day.
m gonna jump back on the dating wagon soon.
life is good. dun take stuff tat is ard u for granted.
it may not be thr for long. seize the moment.
c'est la vie!
sorry guys if i sound suicidal (i refuse to call it EMO, K! tat's such a label.)
shout out to May Babies:
Raz 23rd! ( miss ya KAK!)
JJ's 21st! (ur was bday was sweet!)
MY LovelY sister! (age undisclosed!)
phadz 23rd? (i still dun know how to spell ur name!)
and now i shall disappear for some celebration!
have a great wkend everyone!
and my bday prezies tis yr is:
kisses & hugs to show u care!
(all races, sex & other labels u wanna be called are included!)
unless u got a bad breath or body odour!
hahaha... kidding!
much love & hugs!
Walking Contradiction.
5:43 PM
Thursday, May 24, 2007 ♣
Popping pills. wish it was happy pills.
"i dun like you. i hate you. u're a jerk."
repeating to myself over and over again whenever thoughts of ya came thru.
n the more i feel the pain.
overcoming those emotions.
put up a front.
the wall is soon gonna break down.
and i cant hold it up anymore.
i wish it never happen.
i wish i was numb.
how did i let emotions get involve.
i've lost control.
i'm about to crash and burn.
feeling so so tired.
awake on sleepless nights.
i need to sleep my days away.
cut all ties to the world for awhile.
till m ready to shine once again.
Walking Contradiction.
1:36 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007 ♣

gawd. tis blog can be freaking depressing.
i gotta start all over again.
well.. until i stop my mood tat swings like a yo-yo.
and u know wad guys, he juz aint worth it.
do i always like guys who are jerks?
oh. yea. i do.
will a GOOD BOY save me?!
and whoever is free on friday 25th,
come watch Pirates of the Carribean wif me!
all are welcome but u gotta buy ur own tixs!
so gimme a call if u wanna catch it too!
my bday is in 4 days.
will u remember it and give me a pleasant surprise?
mood swings can be such a bitch.
so does falling in love.
love and provocation.
i love provoking ppl. it shows my love to ya!
tis is such a random entry.
shows how my mind switches mode every so often.
maybe it's time.
but when exactly?
it's keeping me from going further.
i think i should juz be like nike and just do it.
contemplating minds
Walking Contradiction.
11:21 PM
Monday, May 21, 2007 ♣
sunday love.
i'm in love.
hahah. NOT!
Got a shock!? hahah!
But today there were 3 boys whom were absolute love.
Lets give em nicks.
1st would be: Kissy Lips. (THose Red LoveBuds!)
2nd is: emo boy wif alluring eyes.
3rd is: Hott Stuff! (wif a capital H!)
em 3 are absolutely yummy!
YES! u guys are YUMMY!
such eye candies!
oh! i think my heart's broken into 3!
and i love my TUMS the most!
Love Ya Hunz!
officially left wif 5 days to e age-changing day.
and 6 days to a step forward to my life.
Lets Bring It On!
Much Love!
Walking Contradiction.
1:11 AM
Friday, May 18, 2007 ♣
for once, i think too much till it render me speechless.

i dun think my 20th will be great.
damn. 8 days left to get tat day over and done wif.
Walking Contradiction.
2:03 AM
Thursday, May 17, 2007 ♣
blank. only thoughts of u.
i'm such a fool:for liking ya.
for obsessing bout ya.
for thinking about ya.
for arranging our dates everytime.
for calling ya.
for juz waiting for ya.
and i have only 1 answer for all the stupid behaviors which i SWORE not to do:
love is random.and now great. i broke my oath. lighting gonna strike me.
lets get it over and done with.
maybe den i will truly wake up and realise
sometimes i do think i really hate ya so much.
yet it's more of the

sungguh no love for anyone now.
m too consumed wif self hatred.
Dewito all who tag -hi. and dun put any links to my blog.
the lesser ppl know how suicidal i can be, the better.
it will make the world a better place.
Walking Contradiction.
1:02 AM
Monday, May 14, 2007 ♣
pictures do the talkin.
mind is blank. again. let pics do talking. GUESS THE STORYLINE!

The end. only end of phototakin. the nite was still young.
Li - wei, dun tell ppl my blog.
haris - u say hi only to li?!
minz - sending.... say thank u to me!
now tell me who loves my song! ahahah...
Walking Contradiction.
12:18 AM
Friday, May 11, 2007 ♣
love and hate you.
fuck. fuck. fuck.
damn it.
being pissed + emo is so fucked up.
will i stop it. i juz gotta smile thru this all.
i lost control. can u save me.
Walking Contradiction.
5:21 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2007 ♣
explicit language.
what's next in my life?heck! no way, am i gonna drift along in life.i gotta do something.i gotta make sure i know i was alive.not a driftwood in the ocean.Please Allah, show me a sign
gonna include my horoscope wif every entry now.
The universe is sending you career ideas now, but you won't recognize them at first.
*edit: fuck. i cant stop the nagging feeling tat u're hiding lotsa crucial stuff from me.
fuck. i juz wish u'll go away.
oh fuck. i take that back.
Walking Contradiction.
4:03 PM
Wednesday, May 09, 2007 ♣
i gotta stop playing ard.
i thought i had it control.
but i was wrong.
damn it.
when will tis emotions slip away?
and i need an
Su - i not MINAH! noooooo! Min-ah is Minah la. hahahha.
Miss Ya!
Walking Contradiction.
7:47 AM
Tuesday, May 08, 2007 ♣
IQ 127

My IQ is only 127!? Minz has 132!
fuck. i could be a certified bimbo.
love Dewi
Walking Contradiction.
2:58 PM
too emotional.
i'm not emo. hell no. it's juz pms.
and tat i have a fcuk up point-of-view.
i think i rant too much bout him.
it's depressing. i shall stop now.

Walking Contradiction.
12:19 AM
Monday, May 07, 2007 ♣
wkend updates.
fri was love. WC Park wif buds.
car rides is absolutely my fav pastime.
playground <3. Hm @ 6am. Den my life turn into a Bitch.

Miss Green Tea and Miss Yaty. Ya-tits!
sat. town was sleepy.
club was a-ok.
thanx miss jesslyn for the phonecall.
sun. meet my tums!
i love my tums!
fishnco and sakaesushi. great company. shopping.
sorry for sounding so fcukin emo whole day.
but still i know u love me!
work nightmare 2morrow. can someone kill me now.
and fuck. u're on my mind.
where are you?
to Minz - Like me right!? Porku faster finish exam can or not. we go eat again! and NO PORKU!
to haris - u stalking me ah? hahah... cool...
Walking Contradiction.
12:17 AM
Sunday, May 06, 2007 ♣
song entry.
Everyday, I try to play, another game
But my heart can’t take it.
I try to find, another boy,
But all the while, I can’t face it.
Why do I miss you so much?
I wanna stop this hurt inside
Oh baby please, give us one more try
I wanna call, but then I stall,
Cause after all, I just couldn’t take it
Cause if your play was to push me away
You know that day, my heart you’d break it
think thats all i can say now.
But I'm still a bit naive with my heart
When you're close I don't breathe
I can't find the words to speak
I feel sparks
But I don't want to be into you
If you not lookin for true love
No I don't wanna start seein' you
If I can't be your only one
So tell me when it's not alright
When it's not OK
Will you try to make me feel better?
Will you say alright?
Will you say OK?
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away
i think i know the ans.
When you came to me
Yeah, I thought you’d be like every other guy that I’d ever met
We’d hang for a while then I’d soon forget you
But this is something new
I was not prepared to wonder where you are when you’re not with me
This feels so crazy
I thought I had control
But I slipped, and I don’t, and I don’t know where to go
I thought I knew it all (knew it all)
But all I do is think about the next time I see you
I thought I had control
But we kissed, and I slipped and I don’t know where to go
All I really know;
It’s getting too emotional
It’s a strange feeling
To care about someone, I guess I never really did ‘til I met you, boy
How was I to know how you would affect me?
They say I talk too much
I talk too much about you
The definition of being out of control and I don’t wanna feel this anymore
Walking Contradiction.
3:46 AM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 ♣
Thirty-three questions about relationships
1. single or taken?-- Single
2. Do you have a crush on anyone?-- no
3. Do they know?-- who? i dun have any crush.
4. Do you flirt a lot?-- yea. part of being a girl.
5. Who was your best relationship with?-- no one.
6. Do cheaters deserve a 2nd chance?-- yea. depends.fuck. i dunno.
7. Serious or Fun-loving?-- a mix of both.
8.Humor or fun-loving?-- a mix of both.
9. Dark or light hair?-- Dark
10. Shorter or taller than you?-- Taller pls.
11. Do you kiss strangers?-- yea.
12. Do you hug strangers?-- yea.
13. How long was your longest relationship?-- 1 yr odds? i think. cant remember.
14. Do you believe in kissing when you are not together yet?-- sorta. depends on who.
15. Do you think about the opposite sex a lot?-- of course. m human. curiosity.
16. Have you ever slept at a friend of the opposite sex's house?-- nope.
17. Do you tell your friends they are hot?-- yea.
18. Would you rather have a sweet,clever guy/girl or a wild one?-- either which gives me attention. u gotta try almost everything once rite.
19. Have you ever liked someone a lot(& they knew it) who didn't like youback?-- i think so. crap. it was embarrassing.
20. Do you feel comfortable with joking with your friends who are the opposite sex?-- yea. girls and guys can be juz frens.
21. Chocolates or flowers?-- neither. i want hugs and kisses. or teddy bears!
22. Have you ever been in the friends-with-benefits situation?-- i think i may be in it now. feeling ain't great.
23. Teddy Bear or Card?-- Teddys! i'll probably lose the card by accident. my room is such a mess.
24. Would it be sweet or annoying if someone of the opposite sex called just to say hi?- depends on whether i like him? as in frens la.
25. Ever felt like your girlfriend/boyfriend didn't like you?-- yea. fuck words. actions speaks louder.
26. Ever been cheated on?-- nope. i know when to end the game.
27. Ever done the cheating?-- not exactly. we werent really 2gether den.. i think...
28. Ever cried over a break up?-- not really.
29. Ever kissed or hugged your girlfriend/boyfriend in front of a teacher and got in trouble?-- nope. never dated anyone from same sch before.
30. Do you believe in miracles?-- Sorta.
31. Is it easy for you to get over people who were special to you?-- nope. people leaves memories in your life.
32. Have you ever made a birthday wish or blew on a dandelion on a relationship?-- yea. waste of my wishes.
33. Have you ever had a broken heart?-- of course. m a girl.
m in sch. n this is the teletubbies of my course.

i gotta finish all my reports before 2nite.
i think today m feeling better.
m starting to be myself again.
n i got a kiss from a fren. even if it was a dare la.
till den. off to play uno.
m loving it.
Walking Contradiction.
4:03 PM
Happy Labour Day.
i juz realise, i dunno wats labour day. other than it being a holiday. woo hoo.
someone enlighten me.
oh yea, n before i forget(happens frequently la)
i got 1 person name wrong Hazrin = Haris n yes, Hazmi is v. DIVA-like.
Kenneth got competition.
ha. i mention 3 people here. go find who they are.
went out wif the Mr FuzzyWuzzy n Gang again.
tis time it's sheesha! (which i didnt do much)
m not smoker! (actually, dun know how to really sheesha la. but muz act cool wat.) :p
did go there once wif Mr. Ice n frens.
wonder when will we hang outz again.
i love arab street. but the stuff found there has freaky prices!
n i found a love thr!
introducing .... JACK!

a pet cat @ 1 of the store.
dun he look like the cat from Shrek??
i love Pet Cats. heck i even love pet dogs!
y i put pet? cause i only like those that are fat and pampered animals.
human-friendly la.
and well me being me, juz discover another function of my lovely phone! :-)

m lovin it. ha.
more self cam-whoring.
so not healthy.
i probably should be headin to sleep soon.
yet i cant.
Mr Southpark, is driving me crazy.
i gotta move along.
oh yea. my bday is in exactly, 24 days from today.
m turnin old.
short of Love.
Walking Contradiction.
2:20 AM